The chance of recovery from an eating disorder increases the earlier the disease is detected. The warning signs of eating disorders are often missed. I know because I missed some of them in my own daughter. And I am a…
Life Interrupted: Lessons Learned From Parenting a Teen with an Eating Disorder
If I could only turn back the hands of time, there is much I would have done differently. Things that I NEVER would have thought of. That seems to be a common thread for parents who have a teen battling…
The 10 Intuitive Eating Principles
It seems that every where you turn lately, the term “Intuitive Eating” is being thrown around. What I am finding is that most people do not REALLY know what it is. It is NOT a diet. It is NOT another…
The Beginner’s Guide to Intuitive Eating
We get so inundated with so many opinions everyday about how and what we should be eating. So. Much. Information. It is overwhelming. You are going to learn all about Intuitive Eating and understand what the framework really means. I…
Time To Talk About Thin Privilege
What exactly is “thin privilege”? In 1993, I was a dietetic intern at University Hospital in Syracuse, New York. One day we had a patient who was too large to be weighed on the standard hospital scale that was…